Playtime is over for Super Mario and friends as What wakes up from its bi-weekly slumber to visit the mortal world of B Division. Revenge lived up to its name, avenging a January 26th loss to Stealth, beating them handily 25-14. Fans held up signs saying All Purpose does it All On Purpose celebrating wildly. Randy happened to be in town for the game and seemed underwhelmed. Its a common ailment inflicting tournament teams when there isno tournament. Revenge will probably be firing on all cylinders for this game.for their sake.
Suped Up-16 ½ Vendetta
The TBFFA game of the week will feature a team which plays as if they truly came from another planetlike, the planet Krypton.The Supermen avalanched Imara 54-0. The Book spies never got to see Imaras faces because their backs were constantly up against their own end zone. Actually, Imara could give Sportsbook some insight as to who should win this game since Suped Ups opponent, Vendetta, dropped them like they were not hot 33-12. Suped Up will finally face a team that is actually well rested. Will it matter?
Southern Fye+36 ½ What 1
Are fans starting to wonder if there was some sort of typographical error committed in the commishs office when he was setting up the divisions? Southern Fye got southern fried by What 2 last week, giving A-Division a black eye, 26-6. Even though What 1 will be fatigued after playing Revenge in the early game all signs point to You aint ready! for Southern Fye. Let me get that in extra crispy.
Expendables-5 ½ Mean Machine
Mean Machine is making a strong case for a C Division, and they would be the only ones in it, after getting torpedoed by Enigma 56-6. MM is being treated like M&Ms, constantly melting in the hands of any and all opponents. Expendables is the next team up with a serious sweet tooth, feasting off of Commissions dish, 27-14. Expendables can make some serious noise with a win here and push Mediocre Machine deeper into irrelevancy.
Blaze won the battle of Jurassic Park franchises, besting Techs 22-12. They get their favorite stuffed toy to abuse, Stealth, losers to Revenge 25-14.Stealth is in some disarray as they make yet another tweak to their D-minus-fense. Stealth needs this game if they want to have a shot at a top seed. Yhear that, Shep? Stealth NEEDS this game (Blaze, cover your ears)
What in the world did Enigma have for breakfast last week? Whatever it was, it was full of Vitamin B for Beatdown as Enigma sank the Machines collective battleships by the unholy score of 56-6. They now turn their Eye of Sauron towards the Commissioner himself. Commish got punked by the Ex-Men 27-14 in a game thought to be fairly winnable. Can Commish straighten itself out before Wolfe and Company hang another half century of points on them?
Well we covered one spread and close on another. MVP this week was our newest member Amy who had 4 tds in 2 games..........Great game Akili Smith keep doing what you've always done all purpose for sure.
To the rest of Revenge and Southern Fye good games and even better sportsmanship. Thanks Marcus